Foil Business Cards

2.00 +23% VAT

Business Cards with foil print, also known as hot foil stamping or hot stamping, employ heated dies to impress pigment or metallic foil onto paper. The foil is applied to the surface by the stamping machine under high pressure, leaving the die design on the paper. Foil lettering or visuals, such as logos, are frequently used on business cards. With its distinctive and eye-catching impressiveness, your foil business card will stand out from the crowd, giving you an advantage in a highly competitive marketplace.

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      Simplicity is the key to a great business card. Include the most important information needed to contact you or learn more about your organization, but leave plenty of blank space.

      Business cards assist you portray a professional image, which is especially important if you are a new entrepreneur, work for yourself, or communicate with people who have never heard of your company. Cards with foil stamping appear unique and premium, conveying the image that your company is successful and values quality.

      Foil stamped business cards draw attention, especially when paired with embossing. Take advantage of this by posting your business cards in prominent locations.


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